We want your event experience at Seddon Park to be safe and enjoyable.

The information below tells you what you can bring into the venue or need to leave at home, what behaviour is and isn’t acceptable and what the consequences are if you fail to follow these conditions of entry.

Your entry to the venue is subject to you complying with these conditions. Conditions may vary at some events, so please check the relevant page on our website for any additional conditions.


In the unfortunate event that you do not follow the conditions of entry you may be subject to the following actions:

  • You may be refused entry or required to leave the venue.
  • If you are intoxicated you will be refused entry or required to leave the venue.
  • You may be refused re-entry to the venue for a period of 24 hours.
  • Police may be asked to remove you from the venue.
  • You may be issued with a trespass notice from the venue and any other premises owned by us for a period of 2 years.
  • You may be prosecuted for any criminal offence.