Patrons may bring the following food and drink items into the venue:

  • Beverages in sealed plastic bottles or cans up to 2.25 litres in size
  • Non-commercial food for personal consumption such as sandwiches, fruit, potato chips, crackers, biscuits & cakes.
  • Thermos flask of tea or coffee.

Items that ARE permitted into the venue:

  • Chilly bins
  • Empty Water Bottles (Can be filled up at the venue)
  • Umbrellas
  • Pushchairs*
  • Picnic Blankets
  • Pillows
  • Bean Bags
  • Soft Seating (without legs)
  • Wheelchairs*

Items that ARE NOT permitted into the venue:

  • Alcohol not purchased at the venue
  • Open drink containers
  • Drinking containers larger than 2.25 litres
  • Glass Bottles
  • Illicit drugs
  • Commercially produced takeaway food such as McDonalds, KFC, Subway, Pizza etc
  • Signs or banners that are obscene, offensive or abusive
  • Sound amplifiers such as air horns or loud hailers
  • Animals, (with exception of service dogs)
  • Weapons, fireworks missiles or other items considered dangerous
  • Dangerous goods
  • Gang patches to be displayed
  • Commercial Cameras including video cameras
  • Skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, or bicycles
  • Deck chairs
  • No other seating with legs
  • Chilly Bins with wheels

Patrons may be REFUSED ENTRY into Seddon Park or be evicted if they:

  • Appear intoxicated/under the influence of drugs or exhibit disorderly behaviour
  • Deny permission for the inspection of themselves, bags or other items in their possession
  • Attempt to bring in prohibited items
  • Enter into prohibited areas before, during, and after the event
  • Have previously been issued with a trespass notice that still applies
  • Engage in conduct which unreasonably interferes with the screen, movie, spectators, or members of staff.
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Gambling
  • Solicitation
  • Hawking of unauthorised merchandise
  • Scalping

Warning: Failure to comply with a direction from H3 staff, Police or the stadium's contracted security providers to leave the event and or venue may render the ticket holder liable to arrest and prosecution for the offence of trespass under section 4 Trespass Act 1980 which is punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 months.

Please help us make this venue an environmentally friendly site.

*Items can be brought into the venue but cannot go onto the field.

Seddon Park is a smoke free & Vape free venue. There are designated smoking and vaping areas available.